Wednesday, October 29, 2014


After reading White and Male Privilege by Peggy McIntosh from 1988, my class was asked to write about privileges we have experienced in our own lives. Right now with so much stuff happening, its hard to feel privileged at all. However, I do agree with her discussion of male and white privilege. Do I feel that I have experience this in my life? I guess at times, yes.

I have definitely felt this with my professional life. Ironically, at my theater job (subscription, patron and donation sales), my boss made a remark about how it is easier for a man to be successful in this job than women. What he meant was that because of a man's voice, people are more apt to agree to purchase a subscription, join the club or just simply donate. Of course then, the man making more sales than a women, is also making more money in the long run. Is it because of the deeper voices? Maybe they sound more commanding or convincing. I never thought of it much before, as I can be pretty convincing myself, but I can see how a male voice can command a person do do something more than a woman's voice.

Another instance, and completely opposite of the experience above is that  while television is expanding what it will allow every year, there are definitely more shows featuring white people than any other race. This happens with toys, too. at least in the U.S.

With so many diverse friends and acquaintances from all walks of life, however,  I have not thought of privilege as deeply as maybe I should.

More recently I think I have more privilege because of my age than my race or belief system. I am much older than most of the kids in school, but I think I am allowed privilege mainly because I am a responsible person and serious about why I am in school, where I plan to be and diligent about working hard to get there. This come with age and determination, experience and learning to respect others.

Going forward, I will certainly be more aware of the different privileges that I experience, white, age, and more. It is a shame that we, as a society, do not have more equality between race, creed, age, etc. and even more sad is that I may not see it ever change.  

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